Tor·que·ma·da (tôrk-mäd, tôrk-mää), Tomás de 1420-1498. Spanish Dominican friar who was appointed grand inquisitor by Pope Innocent VIII (1487). Under his authority, thousands of Jews, suspected witches, and others were killed or tortured during the Spanish Inquisition.
martes, 29 de julio de 2008
jueves, 24 de julio de 2008
UNC Sources Aircraft @ Submarine Bases
Run Silent, Run Cheap
For over a decade, the U.S. Navy has had an internal feud going on over the issue of just how effective non-nuclear submarines would be in wartime. In an attempt to settle the matter, from 2005 to 2007, the United States leased a Swedish sub (Sweden only has five subs in service), and it's crew, to help train American anti-submarine forces. This Swedish boat was a "worst case" scenario, an approach that is preferred for training. The Gotland class Swedish subs involved are small (1,500 tons, 200 feet long) and have a small crew of 25. The Gotland was based in San Diego, along with three dozen civilian technicians to help with maintenance.
For decades, the U.S. Navy has trained against Australian diesel-electric subs, and often came out second. The Gotland has one advantage over the Australian boats, because of its AIP system (which allows it to stay under water, silently, for several weeks at a time). Thus the Gotland is something of a worst case in terms of what American surface ships and submarines might have to face in a future naval war. None of America's most likely naval opponents (China, North Korea or Iran), have AIP boats, but they do have plenty of diesel-electric subs which, in the hands of skilled crews, can be pretty deadly.
It's only a matter of time before China gets lots of AIP boats. Meanwhile, China is rapidly acquiring advanced submarine building capabilities. One new Chinese diesel electric sub design, the Type 39A, or Yuan class, looks just like the Russian Kilo class. In the late 1990s, the Chinese began ordering Russian Kilo class subs, then one of the latest diesel-electric design available. Russia was selling new Kilos for about $200 million each, which is about half the price other Western nations sell similar boats for. The Kilos weigh 2,300 tons (surface displacement), have six torpedo tubes and a crew of 57. They are quiet, and can travel about 700 kilometers under water at a quiet speed of about five kilometers an hour. Kilos carry 18 torpedoes or SS-N-27 anti-ship missiles (with a range of 300 kilometers and launched underwater from the torpedo tubes.) The combination of quietness and cruise missiles makes Kilo very dangerous to American carriers. North Korea and Iran have also bought Kilos.
The Chinese have already built two Yuans, the second one an improvement on the first. These two boats have been at sea to try out the technology that was pilfered from the Russians. A third Yuan is under construction, and it also appears to be a bit different from the first two. The first Yuan appeared to be a copy of the early model Kilo (the model 877), while the second Yuan (referred to as a Type 39B) appeared to copy the late Kilos (model 636). The third Yuan may end up being a further evolution, or Type 39C.
The Type 39, or Song class, also had the teardrop shaped hull, but was based on the predecessor of the Kilo, the Romeo class. The Type 39A was thought to be just an improved Song, but on closer examination, especially by the Russians, it looked like a clone of the Kilos. The Yaun class also have AIP (Air Independent Propulsion), which allows non-nuclear boats to stay underwater for days at a time. China currently has Song class, 12 Kilo class, one Yuan class and 32 Romeo class boats.

Based on the experience with Australian and Swedish subs, the U.S. Navy has been developing new anti-submarine tactics and equipment. In secret, obviously. But now there is another complication. Animal rights groups have succeeded in getting courts to rule that the navy use of their anti-submarine training center near San Diego is illegal, and use of sonar must be limited (because of possible harm to marine animals). The navy keeps fighting the lawsuits, but it now faced with the prospect of abandoning the training site, for one somewhere the lawsuits can't reach. The training site is expensive because it is wired, with under water sensors that enable training or test results to be precisely recorded, and changes made to equipment or tactics. The center also enables sonar operators to get realistic training. There is no opportunity to get trained on the job, as mistakes can get your ship quickly sunk.
Meanwhile, potential enemies build more of their cheaper, and higher quality, diesel-electric boats, and train their crews by having them stalk actual warships (including U.S. ones.) The subs are getting more numerous, while U.S. defenses are limping along because of the sheer technical problems of finding quiet diesel-electric boats in coastal waters, and the inability to train and test enough because of lawsuits.

Meanwhile, potential enemies build more of their cheaper, and higher quality, diesel-electric boats, and train their crews by having them stalk actual warships (including U.S. ones.) The subs are getting more numerous, while U.S. defenses are limping along because of the sheer technical problems of finding quiet diesel-electric boats in coastal waters, and the inability to train and test enough because of lawsuits.
United Nations of Columbia
Insures Peace Around The Globe
lunes, 21 de julio de 2008
Ping thx Sandra
US B-52 bomber crashes off Guam, 6 crew missing

Every year you ping me the same way; but can you please have a little courtesy Plz?

A U.S. Air Force B-52 with six crew members on board crashed off the island of Guam on Monday, an Air Force spokesman said.
The B-52H Stratofortress was in Guam as part of a four-month rotation.
Search crews have found no survivors, but they are still looking, said Lt. Elizabeth Buendia, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Coast Guard in Guam. They located an oil slick but have not seen any wreckage, she said.
Rescuers with the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy were searching a point in the Pacific Ocean about 30 miles northwest of Guam, a U.S. territory, where the plane is believed to have crashed, said Capt. Joel Stark, spokesman for Andersen Air Force Base.
He had no information on whether anyone survived.
The B-52H Stratofortress was based at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, and was in Guam as part of a four-month rotation, Stark said.
It went down about 9:45 a.m. local time (7:45 p.m. ET Sunday).
A B-52 from Andersen Air Force Base was scheduled to fly over crowds celebrating Liberation Day, which commemorates the U.S. capture of Guam from Japan in 1944, Stark said.
But it was unclear whether the plane that crashed was the one that had been scheduled to perform the flyover.
In February, a B-2 stealth bomber crashed shortly after takeoff from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. Two crew members ejected and were in good condition afterward.
The B-52H Stratofortress was in Guam as part of a four-month rotation.
Search crews have found no survivors, but they are still looking, said Lt. Elizabeth Buendia, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Coast Guard in Guam. They located an oil slick but have not seen any wreckage, she said.
Rescuers with the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy were searching a point in the Pacific Ocean about 30 miles northwest of Guam, a U.S. territory, where the plane is believed to have crashed, said Capt. Joel Stark, spokesman for Andersen Air Force Base.
He had no information on whether anyone survived.
The B-52H Stratofortress was based at Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana, and was in Guam as part of a four-month rotation, Stark said.
It went down about 9:45 a.m. local time (7:45 p.m. ET Sunday).
A B-52 from Andersen Air Force Base was scheduled to fly over crowds celebrating Liberation Day, which commemorates the U.S. capture of Guam from Japan in 1944, Stark said.
But it was unclear whether the plane that crashed was the one that had been scheduled to perform the flyover.
In February, a B-2 stealth bomber crashed shortly after takeoff from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam. Two crew members ejected and were in good condition afterward.
Air Force officials announce captain selections
... 7/21/2008 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- Air Force officials have selected 467 first lieutenants for promotion from 471 officers considered during the Calendar Year 2008A captain selection process. The entire list of promotion selects is posted on...
Air Force Link, 1 hour ago
B-52 crashes off coast of Guam
... 7/21/2008 - ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam (AFNS) -- A B-52 Stratofortress crashed today at approximately 9:45 a.m. local time off the northwest coast of Guam. Emergency responders are on scene working to locate the six crewmembers on board. No information...
Air Force Link, 1 hour ago
'Today's Air Force' features combat search and rescue
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Air Force Link, 1 hour ago
302nd AEG conducts 23rd day of California wild fire support
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Air Force Link, 1 day ago
Symposium gets to core of Air Force's role in cyberspace
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Air Force Link, 2 days ago
Air Force doctors take advantage of unique training benefit
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Air Force Link, 2 days ago
U-2 nose art honors fallen Soldier
...the 9th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Beale Air Force Base, Calif., helped launch a U-2 July 14 before heading home to his family in Florissant, Mo. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page ...
Air Force Link, 2 days ago
Service demographics offer snapshot of force
...leadership -- 26 public administration graduate school -- 9 management graduate school For more information, go to Air Force Personnel Statistics. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page ...
Air Force Link, 2 days ago
Human performance training optimizes Airmen
... by Staff Sgt. Christopher Marasky 18th Wing Public Affairs 7/18/2008 - KADENA AIR BASE, Japan (AFPN) -- As the Air Force continues to scale down its numbers, it's more important than ever to have Airmen performing their missions at the highest levels....
Air Force Link, 2 days ago
Officials offer incentive pay at Creech
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Air Force Link, 3 days ago
Air Force officials buy 'offices in the air'
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Air Force Link, 3 days ago
Air Force doctors begin medical exercise in Panama
...toothbrushes and toothpaste ..." said Tech. Sgt. Crystal V. Hagler, a technician from the 42nd Medical Group at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. Capt. Matthew J. Edwards, a dentist from 42nd MG intercedes "they don't have it and they are still happy." Several...
Air Force Link, 4 days ago
Gates recommends McKinley to be Guard's first four-star general
...flying hours, primarily in the T-38, F-106, F-16 and F-15. Additionally, General McKinley has been pilot in command in the C-131 and C-130 aircraft. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page ...
Air Force Link, 4 days ago
Airframes transform to save lives
...able to go just about anywhere to rescue injured coalition forces, but the Air Force's aerovac teams transform medical evacuation to a whole new level. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page ...
Air Force Link, 4 days ago
July 15 airpower summary: F-15Es disrupt enemy activities
...in the vicinity of Shkin and Zaghdata. The missions were confirmed successful by JTACs. French 2000 Mirages conducted shows of force to deter enemy activities in the vicinity of Gardez . A JTAC reported the mission successful. In total, 71 close-air-support...
Air Force Link, 4 days ago
Air Force medics provide medical care in Panama
...partnership with host-nation doctors, will treat patients at three rural locations. The range of medical specialties of the Air Force medics involved in this MEDRETE includes dentists, optometrists, general physicians, a pediatrician and a dermatologist. While...
Air Force Link, 5 days ago
Air Force Reserve rescuers change role, still save lives
... 7/15/2008 - PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, Fla. (AFPN) -- Air Force reservists from the 920th Rescue Wing are taking on a different kind of role and saving lives in Afghanistan. Since arriving in February, they have saved 132 people flying U.S. Army medical...
Air Force Link, 5 days ago
Enlisted medical training to consolodate at Fort Sam Houston
...construction already under way. Fort Sam Houston is slated to gain five instructional facilities, six dormitories, an Air Force and Navy headquarters building, dining facility, gym and lighted troop walks. The six existing Army Medical Department Center and...
Air Force Link, 5 days ago
Working dog kennels receive massive renovation
...expansion easily triples that number. "When you're dealing with the Army, Air Force and Navy, the 386th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron can receive anywhere from 12 to 24 dogs a month," said Tech. Sgt. Matthew Rebholz, 386th ESFS kennel master. He...
Air Force Link, 5 days ago
Depot technicians begin using automatic test station
...Test System, or COMETS. This 1968-vintage tester has become increasingly difficult to maintain and keep operational. Air Force technicians developed VDATS to support multiple weapon systems. This tester is designed to eventually replace most of the legacy...
Air Force Link, 5 days ago

Getting back to basics
...team. I am just one Airman, however, and I can't do anything alone. No one says it better than our acting Secretary of the Air Force, Michael Donley. "There is no quicker route to recovery than the power of tens of thousands of Airmen and civilians rededicating...
Air Force Link, 5 days ago
Iraqi air force reaches 2,000-flying hour milestone
...and pilot trainees realize this is only a small step in a larger plan for the Iraqi air force. "Five years ago, their air force was [non-existent]. Now they have an air force and a flying training wing that's flown 2,000 hours," said Capt. Jamie Riddle, a...
Air Force Link, 5 days ago
'The Swoose' finds new home at National Museum of the U.S. Air Force
...The Swoose -- the only surviving U.S. aircraft from the beginning of the war in the Pacific on Dec. 7, 1941 -- the Air Force's national museum (received) a B-17 that is a veteran of the very first day of the war in the Philippines while assigned to the 19th...
Air Force Link, 5 days ago
Airman's packaging idea cuts hazmat response time
...times for hazardous material teams from hours to minutes, and his supervisors want civil engineer units throughout the Air Force to adopt the idea. Senior Airman Michael Blair, an emergency management equipment technician with the 332nd Expeditionary Civil...
Air Force Link, 6 days ago
'Today's Air Force' features accomplishing the mission
...Comm Segment B - MISSION PLANNING Weather Planners Flightline Manager Flightline Hazards Segment C - DIRTY JOBS F-15 Crew Chief Lajes Plumber Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page ...
Air Force Link, 6 days ago
Chief of staff retires after 37 years
...historian and Airman," said former Secretary of the Air Force Michael Wynne, who officiated at the ceremony on the U.S. Air Force Ceremonial Lawn here. "We lose a participant, a creator and a valuable member of today's Air Force." Mr. Wynne spoke of General...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Get out of the box
...seen bugs that look like they crawled straight out of the Mesozoic era. I've also had some of the best experiences of my Air Force career and seen military members in action who blow my mind. I wouldn't trade these last six months for anything. I definitely...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
System helps determine 'health' of Air Force aircraft
...the rest of the vehicle, forcing the pilot to eject. The aircraft was lost. The pilot survived, but the entire fleet of Air Force F-15 A-D aircraft was subsequently grounded until officials completed emergency inspections. The cause of the F-15 incident was...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Wilford Hall trauma center status verified
...6. The hospital's trauma center status is verified for a three-year period. Wilford Hall was initially designated a Level One trauma center in 1996. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page ...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Eye doctors give patients new outlook
... 332nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs 7/11/2008 - JOINT BASE BALAD, Iraq (AFPN) -- Eye doctors deployed to the Air Force Theater Hospital in Iraq see more than twice as many eye traumas than they encounter at their homestations. Among their patients...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Iraqi air force acquires new aircraft from U.S. forces
... by Army Staff Sgt. Michael Carden American Forces Press Service 7/11/2008 - NEW AL MUTHANA AIR BASE, Iraq (AFPN) -- U.S. forces transferred ownership of 11 aircraft to the Iraqi air force July 9 during a ceremony at New Al Muthana Air Base. Army Lt....
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
July 10 airpower summary: F-15Es provide close-air support
...Kalay. The mission was confirmed successful by a JTAC. An F-15E dropped a GBU-38 onto anti-Afghan forces attacking coalition forces in the vicinity of Lwara. In addition, an A-10 conducted a show of force. A JTAC reported the mission successful. In the vicinity...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Satellite's instrumentation providing scintillation forecast data
...This device was built by the University of Texas at Dallas. -- Vector electric field instrument: gauges the existing force in a region between opposite-charged particles. This amount is referred to as the electric field and the instrument's payload computes...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
AFOTEC officials hold first space summit
...the Under Secretary of the Air Force Directorate of Space Acquisition, the National Geospatial and Intelligence Agency, Air Force Space Command, the Space and Missile Systems Center and the Air Force Research Laboratory gathered to discuss the space capabilities'...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Maintainers keep C-130's flying during wildfire operations
...of Defense assistance to local, federal, and state civil authorities and will launch as many missions as officials battling the wildfires require. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Officials release MH-53 PAVE LOW accident report
...advisors. A copy of the AIB Executive Summary is available for additional details at http://www.afsoc.af.mil/library/ under the "Hot Topics" tab. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page ...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Air Force to honor international contributions
...for our expeditionary air, space, and cyberspace forces." Nominees may include members of the active-duty Air Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard, and Department of the Air Force civilian personnel whose duties contribute to the Air Force international...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
PC-12 crashes at Hurlburt Field
...a versatile performance aircraft with the ability to operate on short and unimproved runway surfaces providing intra-theater support for the Armed Forces. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Air Force unit flies 50,000th Noble Eagle sortie
...as we defend the homeland," General Morrow said. "CONR is continually working with senior federal and state officials to deter any potential air threat." Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters page...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Airman's Roll Call: Achieve your personal best
... To subscribe to an e-mail version of the product, visit www.af.mil/subscribe. Airman's Roll Call is one of 30 featured Air Force products that can be received via e-mail. Comment on this story (comments may be published on Air Force Link) View the comments/letters...
Air Force Link, 1 week ago
Now tell me which of these were sold Farnborough?
viernes, 18 de julio de 2008
Business Ass Usual UnderWorld

Banking giant reports $2.5 billion loss, but results are not as bad as analysts had feared.
Stock jumps in pre-market trading.

(it was probably this mother that ran into another nuclear sub without maritime insurance)
A navy plane spotted the craft about 140 miles south of the tourist resort of Huatulco, setting off a three-hour chase, Rear Adm. Hector Mucharraz told Reuters.
The green-colored submarine, carrying what was believed to be cocaine, was about 32 feet long and appeared to be a makeshift or modified vessel.
"The submarine traveled almost at the surface of the sea and when it came up we took advantage," said Capt. Benjamin Mar, a navy spokesman. Special forces troops swooped on the submarine from a helicopter and subdued the crew of four, he said.
The Mexican government is increasingly using the military to fight drug smugglers who move South American cocaine through Mexico and into the United States.
President Felipe Calderon has sent thousands of troops to drug trafficking hot spots since he took office in December, 2006.
Smugglers have moved drugs in Mexico through tunnels under the U.S. border and hidden in canned food and dolls, but the navy said this is the first time it had seen them use a submarine.
The green-colored submarine, carrying what was believed to be cocaine, was about 32 feet long and appeared to be a makeshift or modified vessel.
"The submarine traveled almost at the surface of the sea and when it came up we took advantage," said Capt. Benjamin Mar, a navy spokesman. Special forces troops swooped on the submarine from a helicopter and subdued the crew of four, he said.
The Mexican government is increasingly using the military to fight drug smugglers who move South American cocaine through Mexico and into the United States.
President Felipe Calderon has sent thousands of troops to drug trafficking hot spots since he took office in December, 2006.
Smugglers have moved drugs in Mexico through tunnels under the U.S. border and hidden in canned food and dolls, but the navy said this is the first time it had seen them use a submarine.

Thursday, July 17, 2008, Missouri and Michigan
10:00am CT Depart Omaha, NE
10:55am CT Arrive Kansas City, MO
11:30am CT Town Hall Meeting, Union Station
1:00pm Local Media Interviews; 2:15pm CT Depart Kansas City, MO
4:50pm ET Arrive Muskegon, MI; 6:00pm Finance Event, Ferrysburg, MI
7:45pm Depart Muskegon, MI; 8:40pm Arrive Detroit, MI, Overnight
Friday, July 18, 2008, Michigan
9:00am Tour & Employee Town Hall Meeting, GM Technical Center
10:45am Local Media Interviews; 12:00pm Finance Event;
2:10pm ET Depart Detroit, MI; 3:45pm ET Arrive Newark, NJ 4:15pm Phone Media Interview
4:45pm Interview Late Night with Conan O'Brien
Overnight, New York City....
...Saturday, July 19, 2008, New York
10:00am Media Interviews
12:35pm Depart for East Hampton by Helicopter; 1:15pm Arrive East Hampton.
6:00pm Finance Event; 7:45pm Finance Event
9:30pm Return NYC, Overnight.

Lou Dobbs Death by Chocolate Late Last Night
jueves, 17 de julio de 2008
"Farnborough Takes Flight" TORQUEMADA

Resultados de noticias que contienen farnborough
BBC Mundo
Airbus y Boeing preparan un nuevo duelo en el Salón de Farnborough - 13 Jul 2008
"No esperamos enormes contratos en Farnborough. Estamos convencidos de que se aplazarán muchos encargos para el segundo semestre", estimó Yan Derocles, ...
AFP - 193 artículos relacionados »
Airbus eclipsa a Boeing al vender 143 aviones en Farnborough - Finanzas.com - 127 artículos relacionados »
La industria aeronáutica de México gana altura en Farnborough - Finanzas.com - 94 artículos relacionados »
Farnborough- [ Traducir esta página ]
An international aerospace exhibition held every other year. Features news, visitor information, events, and sponsors.www.farnborough.com/ - 7k - En caché - Páginas similares
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My Airspace My Airspace button Be part of the Farnborough international community, in the comfort of your dedicated e-viewing area. ...www.farnborough.com/intro.aspx - 115k - En caché - Páginas similaresMás resultados de www.farnborough.com »
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Farnborough is a town in the Rushmoor district of Hampshire, England. It is perhaps best known as the home of the Farnborough Air Show which takes place ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farnborough,_Hampshire - 64k - En caché - Páginas similares
Farnborough alojamiento, hoteles bed and breakfast Farnborough ...
Farnborough hoteles Compara Precios. Si usted determina que usted `con referencia al enfermo del molestia del alojamiento del día de fiesta de la ...www.bookinghome.com/es/United_Kingdom/England/Farnborough-Hotels.html - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares
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Farnborough College of Technology - Home- [ Traducir esta página ]
Higher and further education college offering full time and part time education and training for NVQ, GNVQ, BSc, BA, HND, National Diploma and MSc from ...www.farn-ct.ac.uk/ - 46k - En caché - Páginas similares
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Farnborough Hotels. Save More on Cheap Accommodation in Farnborough- [ Traducir esta página ]
Farnborough hotels and accommodation - cheap, fast and secure reservation service provided by HotelClub Farnborough.www.hotelclub.net/hotel.reservations/Farnborough.htm - 11k - En caché - Páginas similares
Slow sales expected at Farnborough airshow - Aviation- msnbc.com- [ Traducir esta página ]
11 Jul 2008 ... The headwinds buffeting the aviation industry from high fuel prices and the credit crisis will be blowing strongly through the Farnborough ...www.msnbc.msn.com/id/25641538/ - 49k - En caché - Páginas similares
National Trust Farnborough Hall- [ Traducir esta página ]
Farnborough Hall, Clear image used for layout purposes ... Points to note, Farnborough Hall is occupied and administered by the Holbech family ...www.nationaltrust.org.uk/scripts/nthandbook.dll?PROPERTYID=211 - 34k - En caché - Páginas similares
Historic Farnborough- [ Traducir esta página ]
Historic Farnborough - how the town has changed over the years.www.historicfarnborough.co.uk/ - 44k - En caché - Páginas similares
Farnborough Hill: Home- [ Traducir esta página ]
Farnborough Hill is an independent Roman Catholic day school for girls aged 11 to 18. Girls of other Christian denominations and faiths are welcome. ...www.farnborough-hill.org.uk/ - 9k - En caché - Páginas similares
Aviation industry goes 'green' at Farnborough - Yahoo! News- [ Traducir esta página ]
The commercial aviation industry, widely accused of not doing enough to tackle climate change, pledged at the Farnborough International Airshow this week to ...news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20080717/wl_uk_afp/britainaerospacefarnboroughshow - 47k - hace 10 horas - En caché - Páginas similares
Farnborough celebrates 60 years - CNN.com- [ Traducir esta página ]
Britain's foremost aviation showcase celebrates its 60th anniversary this year.www.cnn.com/2008/BUSINESS/07/07/farnborough.airshow/index.html - 63k - En caché - Páginas similares
Farnborough Airshow focuses on environment - USATODAY.com- [ Traducir esta página ]
The world's largest air show switches focus to sustainable aviation on Wednesday as plane makers including Boeing and Airbus and airlines discuss the ...rssfeeds.usatoday.com/~r/usatoday-WeatherTopStories/~3/337114688/2008-07-16-greener-airplanes_N.htm - 53k - hace 23 horas - En caché - Páginas similares
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