abcnews.go.com Sasha Obama pets Cobbler a 19-week old, 40-pound turkey, as he is pardoned ... 640 × 360 - 70 k - jpg |  firstread.nbcnews.com So which president was the first to actually pardon a Thanksgiving turkey? 600 × 450 - 208 k - jpg |  nydailynews.com The presidential pardoning of the National Thanksgiving Turkeyhas become a ... 635 × 491 - 43 k - jpg |  animalblawg.wordpress.com At Thanksgiving, however, the concept of the pardon gets up-ended. 635 × 429 - 40 k - jpg |
 everynationministries.us President Obama pardons“Courage” in 2011. Thanksgivingin the United States ... 1000 × 682 - 91 k - jpeg |  politico.com "The White House turkey 'pardon' is a sorely outdated event. 605 × 328 - 185 k - jpg |  sogoodblog.com Foreign policy isn't one of them, but thankfully, pardoning turkeysis! 2272 × 1704 - 306 k - jpg |  npr.org ... pardon on Popcorn, theturkey, in a White HouseThanksgiving tradition. 948 × 616 - 35 k - jpg |
 mentalfloss.com ... “pardon” to the bird presented to him the week beforeThanksgiving in ... 560 × 392 - 67 k - jpg |  washingtonpost.com ... joined by daughters Sasha, left, and Malia, during the turkey-pardoning ... 606 × 428 - 55 k - jpg |  usmagazine.com ... gestures during the annualThanksgiving turkey pardonwith his daughters ... 467 × 361 - 83 k - jpg |  commons.wikimedia.org File:George H.W. Bush, turkey pardon.jpg. No higher resolution available. 399 × 271 - 32 k - jpg |
 ktla.com That's because all the turkeys everpardoned at the White House are dead, ... 1920 × 1080 - 719 k - jpg |  collapse.com For anyone paying attention to Presidential turkey pardons, there is, ... 615 × 346 - 125 k - jpg |  usnews.com President Barack Obama pardonsthe 2012 National Thanksgiving Turkey Cobbler ... 620 × 413 - 76 k - jpg |  usgovinfo.about.com No, the Turkey Pardon Didn't Begin With Truman 571 × 457 - 47 k - jpg |
 mentalfloss.com Formalized turkey pardoning ... 560 × 398 - 88 k - jpg |  theblaze.com The Ongoing, Awkward War Between The President & TheTurkey. Photo Credit: 560 × 405 - 69 k - jpg |  joefossinstitute.org Part of the confusion over the origin of the turkey pardon came from ... 400 × 267 - 20 k - jpg |  myjoyonline.com The presidential turkey pardon is a longstanding tradition, the origins of ... 680 × 643 - 311 k - jpg |

El Archivo Histórico de Cali en el cierre anual del ciclo de conferencias de encuentro académico-investigativo Cátedra Abierta Archivo Histórico de Cali invita a las conferencias:
1. Historia de los degenerados en la época republicana
Conferencia a cargo de Juan Carlos Alegría M. Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Valle y Manuel Fernando Arce B. Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Valle
2. El gobierno de los pobres en la España del siglo XVI. Una aproximación al análisis del discurso en los tratados políticos (1525-1598)
Conferencia a cargo de Mauricio Restrepo Peña, Economista, Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá. Magister en Historia (candidato), Universidad del Valle
Archivo Histórico de Cali
Tel. 885 88 55 Ext. 124
El próximo 11 de diciembre el Diario Occidente realizará el foro pymes que tendrá como tema central: Venda más en el 2014, mejore sus habilidades comerciales.
Los empresarios tendrán la oportunidad de analizar de manos de expertos todo lo que un empresario debe tener en cuenta para hacer del 2014 un año productivo, rentable y competitivo a partir del aumento de las ventas bajo estrategias efectivas y gerenciales que favorezcan los procesos al interior de la compañía.
Los temas a desarrollar en la jornada serán:
- 8:30 a.m. Estrategias gerenciales orientadas a la venta
- 9:30 a.m. Potencialice su espíritu comercial, todos somos vendedores: técnicas de ventas al servicio
- 10:30 a.m. Break de café
- 11:00 a.m. La tecnología al servicio de sus ventas
No se pierda el speed networking
Recuerde que a partir de las 2:00 p.m. en el foro pymes del Diario Occidente se realiza el speed networking, la rueda de negocios en formato Fast Contact o rápido contacto, método que fue implementado para ofrecer y encontrar servicios y productos, proveedores, proyectos o inversores en un brevísimo espacio de tiempo.
Los participantes, sentados frente a frente, guiados por un dinamizador que indica los cambios y unos monitores que ayudan a seguir la secuencia, logran intercambiar información comercial abundante que posteriormente utilizarán para formalizar el contacto de aquellos con los que hay intereses comerciales comunes. Es indispensable llevar tarjetas de presentación.
Lugar: Club de Ejecutivos
Día: 11 de diciembre
Hora: jornada académica de 7:30 a .m. a 12:00 m.
Speed networking: 2:00 a. m. a 5:00 p. m.
Informes: 486 0555

 alg.umbc.edu Weekend edition: Hot through the prairie states; remnant smoke from... 1076 × 456 - 269 k - jpg |  en.wikipedia.org Home front during World War II. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 3354 × 4647 - 3195 k - jpg |  naval-history.net The EASTERN FRONT, theRUSSIAN CONVOYS that SAILED, and the REST of the WAR ... 754 × 481 - 186 k - gif |  seatrade-global.com Earnings on what used to be thefront haul Atlantic products trade dropped ... 900 × 584 - 456 k - jpg |
 derekbradphoto.blogspo... Stone Sour : Revolver Road to the Golden Gods 1024 × 682 - 610 k - jpg |  social.moldova.org Over 50 people are protesting infront of the Moldovan Government building. 490 × 290 - 39 k - jpg |  cjchivers.com Atlantic Migrations. Feeding from (What's Feeding in) the Gyre. 1280 × 960 - 424 k - jpg |  washingtonpost.com Waves break in front of a destroyed amusement park wrecked by Hurricane ... 606 × 405 - 92 k - jpg |
 dfo-mpo.gc.ca image014-eng.gif 576 × 576 - 15 k - gif |  en.wikipedia.org ... an Englishman, a Russian, an Italian, a Serb, a Greek and an Indian. 387 × 268 - 22 k - jpg |  theatlanticcities.com Russia to Back Off on Anti-Gay Laws During the Sochi Olympics... 108 × 95 - 7 k - jpg |  lut.fi ... brave student from the Finnish-Russian school has joined the performers! 615 × 400 - 333 k |
 laurarosbrow.com ... which shows my Atlantic article on the front page of the Atlantic's... 263 × 299 - 21 k - jpg |  theatlantic.com Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff,Russian president Vladimir Putin,... 570 × 351 - 48 k - jpg |  forgotten-ny.com Atlantic Avenue 432 × 324 - 13 k - jpg |  arrivalguides.com front 500 × 300 - 52 k - jpg |
 en.wikipedia.org 1940 Atlantic hurricane season 3000 × 1854 - 2707 k - png |  taipeitimes.com Pulling in four times as much annual revenue as Las Vegas andAtlantic City ... 336 × 333 - 18 k - jpg |  en.wikipedia.org Eastern Front, September 1914. 1242 × 961 - 175 k - jpg |  ctvnews.ca A woman holds a poster depictingRussian President Vladimir Putin during a ... 620 × 349 - 90 k - jpg |

 abcnewsradioonline.com ... and Malia to pardon two birds designated National Thanksgiving Turkeys, ... 630 × 354 - 40 k - jpg |  darkroom.baltimoresun.com President Barack Obama pardonstwo turkeys (only one pictured) as daughters ... 1200 × 782 - 176 k - jpg |  twitter.com ... White House Thanksgiving Turkey pardon tradition http://nydn.us/187w5aQ ... 635 × 390 - 47 k - jpg:large |  nydailynews.com obama-turkey-pardon.jpg 300 × 210 - 14 k - jpg |
 foodchannel.com President Barack Obama today 'pardoned' the NationalThanksgiving Turkey in ... 300 × 279 - 72 k - jpg |  newser.com Please, End the White HouseTurkey Pardon 240 × 160 - 22 k - jpeg |  nydailynews.com President Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia at the 2012pardoning. 635 × 462 - 51 k - jpg |  voiceofrussia.com Obama pardons turkeys ahead ofThanksgiving Day 740 × 431 - 91 k - jpg |
 doblelol.com Turkey Pardon Dontstop Yet Check Out Another Funny Obama Picture 600 × 398 - 47 k - jpg |  democracynow.org Pardoning Turkeys, Not People? Obama Urged to Reverse Lowest Clemency Rate ... 319 × 180 - 14 k - jpg |  blogs.archives.gov President George H. W. Bush formally pardons the turkey for the first time ... 1000 × 664 - 139 k - jpg |  frugal-cafe.com Partial List of Turkeys Pardoned 500 × 337 - 34 k - jpg |
 theworldlink.com No pardon for this turkey 620 × 401 - 68 k - jpg |  frugal-cafe.com Obama Outlines Moral, Philosophical Justifications forTurkey Pardon 456 × 330 - 37 k - jpg |  foxprovidence.com CNN_Obama_pardons_turkeys_1849470000_4410949_ver1.0_640_480.jpg 639 × 480 - 39 k - jpg |  publimetro.com.mx Barack Obama rompe tradición y perdona a dos pavos 858 × 561 - 57 k - jpeg |
 freakingnews.com Barack Obama Turkey Pardon 1000 × 1000 - 192 k - jpg |  photos.oregonlive.com President Obama turkey pardon 665 × 464 - 78 k - jpg |  downtrend.com President Obama “pardoned” aturkey in a symbolic act that US Presidents ... 300 × 194 - 24 k - jpg |  theleafchronicle.com CARTOON: Turkey pardon | The Leaf Chronicle -- Clarksville, Tenn.,... 640 × 456 - 50 k |

 ctvnews.ca Russian nuclear sub Tomsk catches fire while under repair; no leak reported 620 × 349 - 75 k - jpg |  lifeonthinice.org Pacific Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) hauled out and jammed ... 97 × 65 - 10 k - jpg |  thescribblerati.blogsp... “Drift” Pilot Team of the RussianAlpha Jaeger in Pacific Rim: 650 × 367 - 87 k - jpg |  theepochtimes.com Russian tourists walk through the Tumon tourist district in Hagatna,... 676 × 450 - 112 k - jpg |
 brookhursthobbies.com M4A2 SHERMAN-MARINES 100 × 48 - 3 k - jpg |  huffingtonpost.ca Russian President Vladimir Putin waits to greet Chinese President Hu Jintao ... 570 × 238 - 41 k - jpg |  nydailynews.com Kelli O'Hara in "South Pacific," a performance that earned her a 635 × 474 - 36 k - jpg |  studyblue.com front. a railroad that would eventually link Moscow to thePacific port of ... 590 × 285 - 52 k - jpg |
 rootsaction.org On the Front Lines of a NewPacific War 615 × 371 - 215 k - jpg |  washingtonpost.com SAN DIEGO – Republican presidential front-runner Mitt Romney on Monday ... 606 × 424 - 54 k - jpg |  blogs.blouinnews.com Russia's President Vladimir Putin (L) attends a conference held by the All- ... 2100 × 1379 - 857 k - jpg |  ebay.com Advanced Pacific Theater ... 225 × 168 - 9 k - jpg |
 globaltimes.cn Marshal Shaposhnikov, a Udaloy-class destroyer of Russia's Pacific Fleet, ... 500 × 300 - 40 k - jpg |  sfgate.com ... has been tagged with an acoustic tag (front) and a pop-up satellite tag ... 628 × 353 - 19 k - jpg |  ibc.lynxeds.com Front view of swimming bird in breeding plumage. Recorded 3 June 2004 ... 1806 × 1216 - 450 k - jpg |  bdlive.co.za READY FOR WAR: Protesters shout slogans during a demonstration in front of ... 400 × 250 - 18 k |
 bdlive.co.za Smoke raises in front of a portrait of late Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong at ... 400 × 250 - 13 k |  washingtonpost.com ... attends a protest in front of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers in Kiev ... 559 × 404 - 71 k - jpg |  goodreads.com With the Armies of the Tsar: A Nurse at the Russian Front, 1914-18 50 × 75 - 3 k - jpg |  rferl.org North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at an undisclosed location, sitting in front ... 1024 × 719 - 77 k - jpg |