... Department in person, or turned in at any polling place on Election Day. 640 × 480 - 74 k - jpg politics.blogs.foxnews... |  ... take the cards on election to the group's tents near the polling places. 1600 × 1035 - 528 k - jpg orthodoxpundit.blogspo... |  Update: Wonderfully, Business Insider touted the bogus photo as accurate in ... 640 × 480 - 31 k - jpg blogs.miaminewtimes.com |  This place is truly amazing and fully ... 602 × 900 - 37 k - jpg snowboarding.transworl... |
 ... busy beating down reporters, moving polling places and railroading Cat ... 320 × 240 - 21 k touchfmboston.blogspot... |  A security guard sits in front of a voter list near a voting station in... 360 × 240 - 13 k - jpg globalpost.com |  ... that misdirected voters to fake polling stations for the May 2, ... 100 × 100 - 4 k - jpg thevotingnews.com |  The group is encouraging citizens to contact stations and ... 570 × 238 - 32 k - jpg fair.org |
 ... drang about a supposed epidemic of "voter fraud" at thepolling place, ... 182 × 180 - 12 k - jpg bradblog.com |  And because the nearest polling station to my place just happened to be in ... 194 × 238 - 17 k - gif joeydevilla.com | 
262 × 174 - 14 k - html online.wsj.com |  In various polling stations, scuffles broke out between the PML-N and 227 × 152 - 25 k - gif allpakistaninews.com |
 Chicken costumes banned at Nevada polling places. 480 × 320 - 35 k - jpg newshelton.com |  Trading Standards warning overbogus bequest 598 × 300 - 24 k - php thelincolnite.co.uk |  Polling stations are now closing... Based on a wide range of conversations ... 470 × 139 - 15 k - gif conservativehome.blogs... |  ... just in time to purge the votingrolls and disenfranchise as many voters ... 600 × 280 - 39 k - jpg crooksandliars.com |
 Episode caught on surveillance video, French station says 468 × 286 - 33 k - jpg privateinvesigations.b... |  ... we're just going to assume you already know where your polling place ... 242 × 300 - 83 k - png blogs.citypaper.com |  Bogus science section of Thinkquest logo 375 × 257 - 21 k - gif timpanogos.wordpress.com |  Moradabad municipal polls: Moradabad: A woman was arrested for allegedly ... 432 × 288 - 32 k - jpg ptinews.com |