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Tor·que·ma·da (tôrk-mäd, tôrk-mää), Tomás de 1420-1498. Spanish Dominican friar who was appointed grand inquisitor by Pope Innocent VIII (1487). Under his authority, thousands of Jews, suspected witches, and others were killed or tortured during the Spanish Inquisition.
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“An ability to explain complex ideas in plainspoken English ... an evenness of temper ... a sincere liberal but without the temperament of an ideologue. That’s how The New Republic characterized candidate Barack Obama in 2008. The magazine might as well have been describing its own remarkable attributes.”
—The Utne Independent Press, giving The New Republic its award for Best Political Coverage
tnr Bill McKibben blasts cap-and-trade http://bit.ly/aWv6A9 proposes alternate solution about 1 hour ago reply